Sunday, August 4, 2013


It has rained most of the day and Camp Barnabas didn't slow down one bit. Kimber has had the camera the last two days and took some great pictures of the Swim Party and Dance Night. Here they are.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


It's very muggy here at Camp Barnabas today. I here it rained really hard last night, but I didn't here a thing. I don't get to see everyone very much, because of the different schedules, so pictures of our students are hard to get. I'll keep trying.

I know that some of the pictures aren't so great. Terrible lighting is my excuse.

John is walking his camper backwards down the hill, so he want fall out.

Mess Hall

This is the house that Extreme Home Makeover build for the camp.

They also built both of these.

Cabin for campers

At the end of this long path is the Well House (hospital).